Danmarks mesterskabet 2018, Bogense 5-8 juli.
Tilmeld dig bare i dag:
Invitation og info: http://bogense-sejlklub.dk/
Tilmelding : https://bs.nemtilmeld.dk/20/
Tilmeldingsfristen er 25. juni 2018
Verdens Mesterkabet 2018, Sandefjord 27.juli – 3. aug.
Hello all!
Just a reminder of the upcoming deadline for registration to the H-Boat World Championship without having to pay additional fee.
Registration forms to be found her: https://hboat2018.wordpress.com/registration/
For those who want to participate also in the Open National Championship prior to the WC visit this link for registration:
The schedule for the race week can be found here: Race-week-2018.pdf
See you in Sandefjord!